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‘I Can’t Feed My Kids’: Salon Owner Jailed Over Covid Wins State House Seat

Texas salon owner Shelley Luther has become a symbol of hope and triumph after defying oppressive COVID-19 lockdown orders and winning a state House seat. Her victorious campaign in District 62, which includes Fannin, Grayson, Franklin, and Delta counties, serves as a powerful message to those who seek to control and limit individual liberties.

Speaking on Fox & Friends, Luther recounted her journey from a thriving business owner to a political figure, driven by the government’s overreach that nearly destroyed her livelihood. “After about a month, my hair stylists were calling me, saying, ‘I can’t feed my kids. I don’t know what to do,’ so, we just made the decision to open back up, and I ended up in jail,” she shared. Her determination to fight for justice and the livelihoods of her employees resonated with voters, who overwhelmingly chose her over her Democratic opponent Tiffany Drake.

However, it was not just COVID-19 restrictions that Luther challenged, but also the hypocritical nature of those enforcing them.

As she reflected on her mugshot with two inches of dark roots, she pointed out the stark contrast between her arrest and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s infamous lockdown blowout. “A dog could get groomed but not a woman,” Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy noted, drawing attention to the arbitrary and illogical nature of government overreach.

Luther’s success did not come overnight, as she previously ran for the same seat in 2020 and even attempted to unseat an incumbent Republican in the primaries, before finally claiming her rightful place in the state House.

Her journey to the Capitol was not an easy one, as she recently battled a life-threatening brain aneurysm that left her hospitalized for a month. Yet her indomitable spirit and determination to make a positive impact in the legislature never wavered.

Despite facing challenges and obstacles at every turn, Luther remained resolute in her mission to fight for individual liberties and against government overreach. She humbly acknowledges that her miraculous recovery from her near-death experience is a testament to her purpose and calling to make a difference in people’s lives.

With her victory, Luther serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who have faced the consequences of oppressive government mandates and restrictions. Her message resonates with Americans who value personal freedom and individual responsibility, making her a strong ally of former President Trump’s beliefs and policies.


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