The panel on “The View” erupted into a heated shouting match on Friday, as the co-hosts debated the reasons why so many Americans voted for President-elect Donald Trump in the recent election. Things got particularly tense when co-host Sunny Hostin insinuated that those who voted for Trump were uneducated and that something must be fundamentally wrong with America for him to win by such a large margin.
However, co-host Sara Haines quickly fired back, calling Hostin’s argument “condescending.” Haines argued that the reason Vice President Kamala Harris lost the election was not due to the intelligence of voters, but because the messaging from the Democratic party failed to resonate with them.
Haines pointed out that the focus on issues like defunding the police, bail reform, and school renaming may have turned off voters who were looking for practical solutions to everyday problems. She also noted that the denial of the crisis at the border and the lack of attention to issues like job loss and economic insecurity likely pushed voters towards Trump.
Hostin was quick to interrupt Haines, claiming that the Democratic message was one of “joy and inclusiveness.” However, co-host Joy Behar chimed in, arguing that the exit polls do not reveal the true motivations of Trump voters.
Haines stood firm in her argument that not all Trump voters are racists and misogynists, but rather they voted for him because they felt like they needed help in their everyday lives. She also pointed out that Trump made significant gains among blue collar workers, as well as Latino and black men, who identified the economy as their top issue.
Despite this, Hostin continued to make sweeping accusations against Trump and his voters, claiming that his presidency will lead to children being shot in schools, the environment being ravaged, and workers being exploited. She also accused Latino voters of “misogyny and sexism” for voting for Trump in historically high numbers.
The co-hosts seemed to be missing the point that Trump’s message of job creation, economic growth, and rebuilding the middle class resonated with many voters from diverse backgrounds. His America First agenda focused on practical solutions and putting American citizens first, rather than divisive identity politics.
h/t: Steadfast and Loyal
Great public service ! You watch “The View”, so the rest of us won’t have to . Many thanks.
They cant deal with reality & The View is good for comedy now
The view has always been a comedy.