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Jon Voight Publicly Blasts Daughter Angelina Jolie’s ‘Lies’ About The Israel-Hamas War: ‘Ask God’

Actor Jon Voight has vocally expressed his disappointment with daughter Angelina Jolie’s stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict. In a video he shared on social media, Voight stated that the situation was a full-fledged war and that the Jewish State “can’t be civil now.”

Jolie’s social media statement denounced Hamas’ assault on Israel and she called for an immediate ceasefire. She also said that the lives of Palestinian and Israeli lives “matter equally.” Voight disagreed, saying “This is about destroying the history of God’s land, the Holy Land, the land of the Jews. This is justice for God’s children of the holy land. The Israeli army must protect its soil, its people.”

Voight’s video also expressed that he was “disappointed” that his daughter had “no understanding of God’s honor.” He continued that “these animals want to wipe out Jews [and] Christians.”

Jolie also recently called for a ceasefire in a post on Instagram, which declared that world leaders are “complicit in these crimes” if they do not demand one. Voight responded by arguing that “Allow the force of truths and justice to bring us all together and recognize that Hamas and this deceit of their ruling is destroying their own people, not Israel.”

In addition to Jolie’s plea for a ceasefire, a number of other Hollywood figures have recently signed a letter imploring President Joe Biden to act.


Despite all the calls to action, the truth is that Hamas’ financial resources continue to be among the highest in the world; second only to the Islamic State in terms of their annual turnover. This is despite the fact that the organization prioritizes tunnel construction over essential infrastructure like water treatment and wells, leading to water-borne illnesses in the occupied territories. Senior leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashal reportedly boast a net worth of $4 billion each, while Abu Marzuk, the deputy chair of the Hamas Political Bureau, is worth $3 billion.

Through their destructive actions, Hamas has stripped the Palestinian people of their safety and resources, and yet world leaders remain complacent in the face of these horrors as the death toll continues to rise. Ultimately, the international community must act in order to protect innocent civilians and bring justice to Israel.

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