PBS Accuse Dodgers Of ‘Original Sin’ For Disinviting Anti-Catholic Trans Nuns Hate Group

On Tuesday, the taxpayer-funded PBS NewsHour spent an entire segment glorifying the Catholic-mocking drag troupe “The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” and pressuring the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team into re-inviting them to their 10th annual “Pride Night” in June.

What do the “Sisters” actually do? Recently, a liberal outlet exposed the group for what they really are: “Blasphemous San Francisco Easter tradition draws an estimated 10,000 attendees.” Specifically, they put on a “Hunky Jesus” and “Foxy Mary” show. Yes, you read that right. This is an event which includes men dressing as nuns and mocking Christianity.

But PBS reporter Stephanie Sy and LA Times columnist guest LZ Granderson weren’t about to let on about the truth. Instead, they worked to sanitize the group’s reputation with a mere 14 seconds from a Sisters’ gathering featuring three still photos that didn’t linger on the blasphemous nature of the event.

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Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio tweeted: “If the hate group “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” was anti-Islam instead of anti-Catholic there is zero chance the @Dodgers would be honoring them with a “Community Hero Award” next month.” Red State’s Jennifer Van Laar highlighted the importance of the Dodgers to the Catholic community, noting the presence of the legendary Tommy Lasorda and Vin Scully.

In the face of adamant criticism, Sy backed the group in an emotional plea. She asked her guest, “What was the original sin, so to speak, here by the Dodgers? At what point did they go wrong?” She proceeded to ask if the Dodgers’ decision to include “the Sisters of Indulgence Charity was more poignant” in light of conservative efforts to target trans people.

Granderson provided the least thoughtful and most offensive response– making a reference to the classic horror film Rosemary’s Baby to trivialize the hurt Catholics felt.

The segment was an obvious effort to pressure corporations into complying with liberal agendas and normalizing transgenders– pushing flagrant mocking of Catholic beliefs and traditions as just another kind of “diversity.” The show had no intention of being impartial, and their lack of journalistic integrity is shameful.


The Dodgers should know better than to capitulate to pressure from the liberal establishment. Cultural differences should be embraced, not swept under the rug. There are more than enough voices standing up for trans people, and none for mocking Catholic beliefs.

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