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Trump Supporters Targeted: Shocking Arrest in Election Bomb Threat Case

The mainstream media and liberal politicians would have us believe that voter fraud and intimidation are nonexistent in our elections. Yet here we have yet another story of a poll worker in Georgia, Nicolas Wimbish, who was arrested for allegedly sending a bomb threat to election officials. The suspect, who has been identified as a 25-year-old from Milledgeville, reportedly had a verbal dispute with a voter on October 16th and attempted to frame them by using their identifying information and signing the letter as a supposed “Jones County Voter.”

According to a press release from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Wimbish’s letter claimed that the voter had “given me hell” and was conspiring to distract other voters. But it didn’t stop there.

The threat went on to say that Wimbish knew where the election officials lived because they had “found home voting addresses for all them” and that they should watch their backs because “young men will get beatdown if they fight me” and “will get the treason punishment by firing squad if they fight back.”

Not only did Wimbish threaten physical violence, but the letter also suggested the presence of a bomb in the polling place. It stated, “PS boom toy in early vote place, cigar burning, be safe.” Can you imagine the fear that this would have instilled in the election officials who received this letter? It is unimaginable that anyone could think it is acceptable to threaten violence and intimidation in our democratic process.

Thankfully, Wimbish has been charged with mailing a bomb threat, conveying false information regarding a bomb threat, mailing a threatening letter, and providing false statements to the FBI. If convicted, he could face up to 25 years in prison. This is a clear example of the consequences and severity of voter intimidation and fraud.

Yet, despite this shocking incident, the liberal media and politicians continue to deny the existence of these threats and try to downplay their significance. It is a clear example of their biased and one-sided reporting. If this incident had involved a Trump supporter or a conservative, it would have been plastered all over the news, with calls for stricter laws and punishments for those involved.

But this is just one of many examples of the left’s hypocrisy and double standards. They claim to care about the integrity and fairness of our elections, yet turn a blind eye to clear evidence of voter fraud and intimidation. It’s time for the American people to stand up and demand a fair and secure election process. President Trump has been tirelessly fighting for this, but it is up to us to support him and ensure that our voices are heard.

The arrest of Nicolas Wimbish is another reminder that voter fraud and intimidation are a real threat to our democracy. We cannot afford to ignore or minimize these incidents. Let’s continue to stand with President Trump in his efforts to ensure the integrity of our elections and expose the truth behind the lies of the left. Our country’s future depends on it.

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