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Watch: Biden’s Mental Decline on Full Display: Pro-Hamas Hecklers Shut Down Speech

Biden’s inability to string together coherent sentences, whether speaking off the cuff or reading from a teleprompter, has become a source of mild discomfort for those watching. In addition to the lack of coherence, Biden’s speeches are also riddled with blatant lies. His latest speech, given after his son Hunter Biden’s conviction on Tuesday, was yet another disastrous display of his diminishing mental state.

During his speech at the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund’s annual Gun Sense University conference in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Biden was easily discombobulated when pro-Hamas protesters interrupted him. As the audience chanted “four more years,” Biden seemed to revel in the attention, saying “Thank you, thank you, please have a seat.” However, even just a few sentences into his speech, Biden’s train of thought was derailed.

Biden began by praising the courage of those who had lost loved ones to gun violence and claimed that fighting against it had been a “passion” of his for a long time. He then boasted about his supposed accomplishments and took credit for the Violence Against Women Act, which he said no one else thought made sense. However, most of what Biden has done and said in the past four years has simply not made sense. Oblivious to the irony, Biden forged ahead with his speech, jumping from one point to another in a sleepy and haphazard manner.

But then, just as he was about to speak about the “moment you got that phone call” that someone you love had been lost to gun violence, the pro-Palestinian protesters interjected. Though their words were difficult to make out in the video, they could be heard yelling “You’re complicit in genocide,” before being drowned out by boos and jeers from the rest of the audience. Instead of taking charge of the situation, Biden seemed utterly confused and unsure of how to handle the interruption. He futilely repeated the word “no” more than fifteen times, before finally saying, “It’s okay, look, they care.” His response seemed almost like a moment of agreement with the protesters, who call for the destruction of Israel.


Biden’s inability to control the situation only highlighted his ineptitude and lack of leadership. His speech, scheduled on the same day as his son’s conviction for illegal possession of a firearm, only added to the terrible optics of the situation. For someone to still support Biden after witnessing this display of weakness and confusion, they would have to be more far gone than he is.

The decline of Biden’s mental capacity should raise significant concerns for those who voted for him. Instead of being a leader, he has become an embarrassment, unable to handle even the slightest disruptions or challenges. This latest incident only adds to the growing concern about his ability to lead the country effectively. It is time to seriously consider an alternative to Biden. Americans need a strong, competent leader who can handle challenges and make decisions, not a confused and stumbling figurehead.

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