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Watch: MSM Weirdo Triggered By ‘Illegal’ While Discussing Illegal Immigrant Murder

On Saturday’s episode of MSNBC’s The Weekend, co-host Symone Sanders-Townsend showed her ignorance and misplaced priorities as she interrupted a discussion on murders committed by illegal immigrants to complain about the term “illegal immigrant,” claiming it is not used by the network.

Rather than addressing the real issue at hand – the dangers and crimes committed by illegal immigrants – Sanders-Townsend chose to focus on defending the term “undocumented” and spouting off statistics that supposedly prove there is no correlation between illegal immigration and crime. However, these claims hold no weight when faced with the reality of crimes committed by those who should not even be in the country.

To add insult to injury, the show even invited Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts to discuss the topic. Despite being from a conservative think tank, both Sanders-Townsend and her co-host/former RNC chairman Michael Steele were quick to discredit his remarks and defend their own narrative.

Sanders-Townsend boasted that in Texas, undocumented immigrants were less likely to be convicted or imprisoned for a crime, citing a study from the University of California Riverside. However, Roberts quickly shot back, reminding her of the innocent lives that have been lost at the hands of illegal immigrants. This irrefutable fact should hold more weight in this discussion than any statistic.

Not to be outdone, Steele joined in with his own line of questioning, asking what the difference is between an illegal immigrant committing a crime and a legal citizen doing the same. But even in his attempt to challenge Roberts from the left, he used the term “illegal” – a term that apparently is not acceptable in the world of MSNBC.

This prompted Sanders-Townsend to interrupt once again, stating that the network does not use the term “illegal” for undocumented individuals. Despite Roberts accurately pointing out that they are indeed illegal aliens, Steele quickly conceded and used the preferred term of “undocumented individuals.”

But as the conversation continued, it became clear that Roberts was not backing down. He stood his ground and reminded them that the majority of illegal immigrants in states like Texas, Georgia, and New York are unattached males who have no intention of becoming legal citizens. This should not be taken lightly, as it is a prime example of the dangers of allowing undocumented individuals to remain in the country.

In an attempt to discredit Roberts, Sanders-Townsend made the absurd claim that he was “weaponizing a horrific murder” to smear 11 million people – referring to the estimated number of illegal immigrants in the country. This is a complete misrepresentation of his argument and a weak attempt to defend her network’s biased position.


As the discussion continued, Roberts continued to stand firm in his position, while Steele and Sanders-Townsend seemed more focused on defending their narrative than acknowledging the real issue at hand. Instead of addressing the real dangers and consequences of illegal immigration, MSNBC chose to deflect and attack Roberts for simply presenting the facts.

Sadly, this is just another example of how the mainstream media prioritizes political correctness over truth and the safety of American citizens. It is clear that they are more concerned with pushing their agenda and appeasing their audience than having a meaningful and honest discussion on important issues. This is a dangerous trend that will only continue if we do not hold them accountable and demand better from our media.

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